Sustainable transport contributions
Policy ST1 sustainable transport S106 contribution calculator
ºÚÁÏÍøÕ¾ borough Local Plan 2023 to 2040 Strategic Policy ST1: Development and Requirements for Sustainable Transport sets out the local planning policy framework for considering the transport implications of new development. This confirms that the requirements expected of 'development which generates a significant demand for travel, and/or is likely to have other transport implications' include: 'contributing to improved sustainable transport infrastructure off-site, including, where appropriate, bus priority measures, enhanced passenger information, and routes identified in the council’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, especially in the areas identified in Policy CL3 as appropriate for Moderate and High Density residential form;'
Paragraph 17.9 of the Local Plan further clarifies that: 'For major developments with operational transport needs a planning obligation will be sought towards identified sustainable transport infrastructure schemes in accordance with Policy IN1 and the Planning Obligations Annex to the Plan. Additional obligations may be sought in relation to Travel Plan/Mobility Strategy measures.'
The approach and formula for levying these obligations as a payment towards offsite sustainable transport infrastructure is set out in the Planning Obligations Annex to the Plan. This states that the requirement will apply to 'major residential and commercial developments including new buildings outside of the Gatwick Airport Boundary.'
This calculator incorporates the formula for calculating these contributions, as set out in the Annex, and may be used to identify the appropriate contribution according to development type, scale and location. One of the inputs for the calculation is the measured walking distance between the development site and the nearest high quality public transport connection. These connections and their coordinates are listed in an appendix worksheet within the calculator. They are also shown on a map. .