Do I need planning permission?

The resources on this page signpost you to basic advice about whether your proposals will need planning permission in the first place.  This page is more relevant to householder and small scale developments.

In addition to this basic advice, we also provide a planning pre-application advice service


Planning guidance is available from the Planning Portal, which provides advice on whether you need to make a planning application. 

Dropped kerbs and crossovers

To find out if you need planning permission for a dropped kerb or crossover, please call the Planning Office on 01293 438512 between 10am and 1pm, Monday to Friday.

You will always need a licence from West Sussex County Council for all types of cross-over or dropped kerb, even if planning permission is not needed. They are the local highway authority and will consider highway safety, driveway design and explain any contractual issues. .

The Planning Portal also provides .

Listed buildings and houses in conservation areas

Planning controls are more restrictive in conservation areas and for listed buildings. In most cases you will have to apply for planning permission and/ or listed building consent. 

Non-domestic premises

The planning portal has general information and guidance for non-domestic premises as follows;


If you can’t find what you are looking for on the website, please speak to the Duty Planning Officer on 01293 438512 between 10am and 1pm, Monday to Friday.