ºÚÁÏÍøÕ¾ Homes stock condition survey

Over the next three years (2024 to 2027) we will be carrying out surveys on all our properties.

During the survey, our surveyors will identify:

  • work that needs to be included in future planned works
  • work that may be needed in the future
  • repairs that need doing now

The information will help us to plan the programmes of work over the next few years.

Knowing what needs doing and when will help us to keep your home safe, healthy and well maintained.

Book an appointment

We will roll this out neighbourhood by neighbourhood, but if you, as our tenant, would like to book an appointment now, please email stock.condition@crawley.gov.uk with your name, address and a contact telephone number.

When we get to your area, we will write to tenants offering them an appointment. Please contact us if this is not suitable to you. We want to make an appointment that you can be there for.

Please tell us if you, or any member of your family has any disabilities or vulnerabilities we will need to consider when we carry out the survey.

Let us in

We don’t want to waste your time or ours, so if you cannot make an appointment, please tell us you won’t be there and we can arrange another time.

You or another adult (that you have asked), will need to be at your home when the survey is done.

This survey makes sure your home stays in a safe and well-maintained condition. That's why it's part of your tenancy agreement to give us access to carry out these surveys and other works to your home.

Who will carry out the survey?

One of our asset surveyors will carry out the survey. They all have an ID badge with a photograph, which they will show you when they arrive.

Please do not let the anyone into your property if you have any concerns over their identity, instead call 01293 438248 to confirm their identity.

What to expect

When the surveyor visits your home, you can expect the following: 

  • the surveyor will check your smoke alarms and any extractor fans or ventilation system
  • we’ll look at doors, windows, kitchens, bathrooms and roofs to help us plan for future replacements
  • if you have a loft space, we will need to access it to check insulation, any water tanks and fire breaks
  • our surveyors will use their own ladders to get into any loft spaces
  • we will inspect exterior walls as well as internal ones
  • most of the survey will be a visual check but we may need to drill a small hole into an external wall to check insulation
  • we will take photographs of the areas we inspect for our records - please remove any personal effects you don’t want us to photograph

How long will it take?

We anticipate the survey will take about an hour, but it could be longer if it is more complex, or you have a larger home.

Extra information

As part of the survey, our surveyor will ask you a few questions about you and your family.

As well as having up to date information about your home we want to keep our records about the people who live in our homes up to date as well.

This information can help us to understand our residents needs better and help us to provide better services.