Benefits landlords portal

In February 2025 we launched an online portal for landlords with tenants claiming benefits.

The portal will allow you to access information about your tenant’s Housing Benefit claim, if payments are being made directly to you.

In the landlord portal you will be able to:

  • check the status of your tenant's Housing Benefit claim
  • view payment schedules, including details of previous payment made to you
  • view details of Housing Benefit entitlement for tenants (if you receive direct payments)
  • view future amounts and due dates
  • report a change in your tenant’s circumstances
  • view and download your notification letters

How to access the benefits landlord portal

Every landlord will be sent two emails with the details you need to sign in to the portal. You will need both of these to sign in for the first time. the emails will come from

Follow the link in the email, enter the username and password to sign in. You will be asked to change your password at this point.

Watch a short video on how to sign in to the landlord portal for the first time.

Return visits

Once you have signed in for the first time and set your password, use the link below whenever you need to return to the landlord portal.

Adding users to your account

If there are other people in your organisation who need access to the portal, you can add them your account. This will give them their own profile to sign in with. You can lock or remove your own users accounts as needed.

Please only use email addresses from your organisation to add users, rather than personal email accounts.

If you need help

If you have problems signing into the portal, or need to request an account, please email us at